Conversion list for Base 64 Numbers and Decimal Numbers

=== by Bob Sutherland ===

Counting from 0 to 4096, here is a conversion list of Base 64 Numbers and their equivalent base 10 Decimal Numbers.

I created this list at the request of a university mathematician. It was a rather arbitrary decision we made as to which symbols we should use for the base 64 digits. We did try doing some research with the hope of finding a pattern that other mathematicians were following for creating base 64 numbers. We wound up using the ten numerical digits, all of the capital letters and then all of the small letters of the English alphabet. We still needed two more symbols. The mathematician selected our last two symbols saying they were commonly available on keyboards of many different languages. Be careful of numerical digits and letters that can look the same depending on which font they are printed in.

Warning: Do not print this list as it may be over 100 pages long! Go to End

Base 64 = Base 10